A Place To Be...

At Peace

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Welcome To Your Sanctuary

The Purpose of Xenia

"Xenia" stands for hospitality and the cross-pollination of ideas between guest and host.  It means being friends to the stranger.  Xenia has always opened its doors and heart to whomever finds their way here.

Xenia over the years has become a creative crucible; a place where ideas hang out ready to be viewed and used. Xenia Centre is a gift to humanity, evoking service, she offers back peace, presence and a direct experience of ones true nature.  Through so much love and attention being poured into her, Xenia has impacted the lives of thousands from around the world.  This is truly a sacred place, a place that brings us home.   In 1994,  a young widow with a small child  risked all to convert a dilapidated old sheep farm into one of the  worlds most beautiful and unique sanctuaries.  Against all financial advice, she followed her souls yearning to service this mission, the dream of Xenia called Angelyn to its birth.

To understand the vision and gift of Xenia read these two articles by Angelyn Toth (Founder of Xenia Centre)
"The Gift Within", "The Creative Fire"

Our Guests

Among our guests are a variety of personality types, faces and hidden gifts.  Xenia facilitates a cross-pollination of diversity and communion with friends.   Below is a collage of happenings and letters written by our cherished visitors.  We hope you will glean your own sense of what Xenia might be for you when you come to see us.

Notes from our Guestbook and letters to Xenia

Learn about how Xenia began, listen to its co-creators and understand the dream that sprouted from a quiet voice.  This video was recorded and edited in 1998 by one of our cherished volunteers, length 54:05 .

This quote from Margaret Mead, the famous anthropologist and activist, expresses better than I can, the real mandate of Xenia. On her deathbed, Margaret said:

“I have a revelation… God I wish I could live long enough to see it through! People have to grow together. They have to do physical, mental, psychological, spiritual processes together. And as they deepen and hold each other’s dreams, by God they go out and make a difference.

We need to grow together and deepen the dialogue. We have to get to the place deeper than the agenda. We need to find the common ground where the fundamental Christians and the gay community can talk together. Where the loggers and the environmentalist can learn to respect and protect the environment together. The agenda is the smokescreen for the deeper issues of transformation that are going on.  And at a very deep level we are all in the same boat together.”

The name Xenia means: cross-pollination of ideas between guest and host. It stands for hospitality and the gracious acceptance of whomever comes down the path. It is not about shelter, it’s about sanctuary – providing a container, a space, a home that amplifies the energies being shared by the community. It is an incubator for talents and gifts to birth.  It is a non-denominational spiritual university, a synchronistic discovery centre. The empty space for creation to happen within."

To understand the vision and gift of Xenia read these two articles by Angelyn Toth (Founder of Xenia Centre)
"The Gift Within", "The Creative Fire"